Publications from 2006 to 2009


Franz S., Gentile A., Baumgartner W. (2006)
"Comparison of two ruminoscopy techniques in calves"

Vet. J., 172:308-314

Gentile A., Testoni S. (2006)
"Inherited disorders of cattle: a selected review"
Slov. Vet. Res., 43(1):17-29

Testoni S., Zappulli V., Gentile A. (2006)
"Case study: Ichthyosis in two chianina calves"
Dtsch. Tieraerztl. Wschr., 113:351-354.

Gentile A., Testoni S. (2006)
"Desordenes hereditarios en el bovino"
Proceedings of the XXXIV Jornadas Uruguayas de Buiatria, 8-10/06/2006, Paysandù, Uruguay, pagg. 105-109.

Gentile A. (2006)
"Experiencia clinica en la patologia del ternero lacero"
Proceedings of the XXXIV Jornadas Uruguayas de Buiatria, 8-10/06/2006, Paysandù, Uruguay, pag. 117.

Gentile A., Sconza S. (2006)
"Acidosis ruminal en terneros lactantes"
Proceedings of the XXXIV Jornadas Uruguayas de Buiatria, 8-10/06/2006, Paysandù, Uruguay, pagg. 118-120.

Testoni S., Gentile A. (2006)
"Dismielinizzazione spinale del bovino (SDM). Su di un caso in un vitello di razza Bruna"
Veinte anos de buiatria: Actas del XIV Congreso Internacional de la Federacion Mediterranea de Sanidad y Produccion de Rumiantes (Fe.Me.S.P.Rum.), 12 – 15/07/2006, Lugo, Spagna, pagg. 210-214.

Gentile A., Militerno G., Sconza S., RossiM., Testoni S. (2006)
"Sul cosiddetto Vitello Pancione"
Veinte anos de buiatria: Actas del XIV Congreso Internacional de la Federacion Mediterranea de Sanidad y Produccion de Rumiantes (Fe.Me.S.P.Rum.), 12 – 15/07/2006, Lugo, Spagna, pagg. 410-412.

Chiocchetti R, Grandis A, Bombardi C, Joechler M, Pisoni L, Gentile A. (2006)
"Bulbo-Pons-Mesencephalic Projections to the Lumbo-Sacral Spinal Cord in Healthy and Spastic Paresis-Affected Cattle: A Comparative Investigation"
Vet. Res. Commun., 30 (Supplement 1):175-177.

Chiocchetti R., Bombardi C., Grandis A., Mazzuoli G., Gentile A., Pisoni L., Joechler M., Lucchi M.L. (2006)
"Cytoarchitecture, morphology, and lumbosacral spinal cord projections of the red nucleus in cattle"
Am. J. Vet. Res., 67:1662-1669.

Testoni S., Sconza S., Giuliani A., Gentile A. (2006)
"Syringo-Hydromyelia in six calves"
Proceedings 24rd World Buiatrics Congress, 15-19/10/2006, Nice, France, CD, Ref. OS05-1.

Gentile A., Lorenz I., Sconza S., Klee W. (2006)
"Comparison of the clinical pictures in experimentally induced metabolic acidosis, hyper-L-lactatemia and hyper-D-lactatemia"
Proceedings 24rd World Buiatrics Congress, 15-19/10/2006, Nice, France, CD, Ref. OS28-1.

Testoni S., Sconza S., Giuliani A., Rossi M., Gentile A. (2006)
"Sindrome Siringo-Idromielia in sei vitelli"
Buiatria - Journal of the Italian Association for Buiatrics, 1(2):23-29.

Rossi M., Zanolari P., Gentile A., Steiner A. (2007)" "Intervento per la riduzione di una frattura completa dell'osso metacarpale III/IV in una manza"" Ob. Doc. Vet., 28(3):5-9.

Drogemuller C., Leeb T., Harlizius B., Tammen I., Distl O. , Holtershinken M., Gentile A., Duchesne A., Eggen A. (2007)
"Congenital syndactyly in cattle: four novel mutations in the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4 gene (LRP4)"

BMC Genetics, 8(5), doi:10.1186/1471-2156-8-5 " The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at:"

 Testoni S., Boni P., Gentile A. (2007)
"Congenital Pseudomyotonia in Chianina Cattle"
Supplemento della "Revista Româna de Medicina Veterinara" vol. 17, Nr. 2, 2007, Abstracts VIII Middle European Buiatric Congress, 5-8/06/2007, Gura Humorului, Romania, pag. 59.

Gentile A. (2007)
"Spasticna pareza – Stara, još uvek nedovoljno poznata bolest" (Spastic Paresis in Cattle)"
5. Simpozijum "Ishrana, reprodukcija i zaštita zdravlja goveda", 5th Simposium on Feeding, Reproduction and Health Protection of Cattle, 4-7/07/2007, Bania Kanjiža, Serbia, pagg. 275-278.

Gentile A., Chieco B., Militerno B. (2007)
"Survey of abomasal lesions in slaughtered veal calves"

Cattle Practice, 15(3):300.

Grandis A., Bombardi C., Travostini B., Gentile A., Joechler M., Pisoni L., Chiocchetti R. (2007)
"Vestibular nuclear complex in cattle: topography, morphology, cytoarchitecture and lumbo-sacral projections"
Journal of Vestibular Research, 17(1):9-24

Testoni S., Liguori R., Mascarello F., Pietra M., Gentile A. (2007)
"Congenital Pseudo-myotonia in Chianina cattle"
IV Meeting Istituto Interuniversitario di Miologia (IIM), 21-24/11/2007, Roma, Scuola dello Sport del CONI, pag.20.

Sacchetto R., Testoni S., Gentile A., Mascarello F. (2007)
"SERCA1 activity in the Congenital Pseudo-myotonia of Chianina cattle"

IV Meeting Istituto Interuniversitario di Miologia (IIM), 21-24/11/2007, Roma, Scuola dello Sport del CONI, pag.20-21.

Pariset L., Cappuccio I., Savarese M.C., Gentile A., Filippini F., Ajmone Marsan P., Valentini A. (2007) "Identification of putative genes involved in bovine spastic paresis through microarray analysis"
Italian Journal of Animal Science, 6(Supplement 1):183.

Testoni S., Angeli M., Gentile A. (2008)
"Dismielinizzazione spinale - Un caso di Spinal Dysmyelination (SDM) in un vitello di razza Bruna italiana"
Ob. Doc. Vet., 29(1):9-12.

Gentile A., Lorenz I., Sconza S., Klee W. (2008)
"Experimentally-induced systemic hyperchloremic acidosis in calves"

J. Vet. Int. Med., 22:190-195.

Testoni S., Diana A., Olzi E., Gentile A. (2008)
"Brachyspina syndrome in two Holstein calves"
Vet. J., 177: 144-146.

Testoni S., Boni P., Sacchetto R., Maccatrozzo L., Pietra M., Liguori R., Mascarello F., Gentile A. (2008) "Pseudomiotonia in bovini Chianini"
Ob. Doc. Vet., 29(3):11-15.

Rademacher G., Gentile A. (2008)
"Anomalie der Grimmdarmspirale beim Rind"
Tieraerztliche Umschau, 63:133-141.

Testoni S., Boni P., Gentile A. (2008)
"Congenital Pseudomyotonia in Chianina Cattle"

Vet. Rec., 163:252.

Gentile A., Testoni S. (2008)
"Inherited defects of the Brown breed: Arachnomelia"
Proceedings 25th Jubilee World Buiatrics Congress, 6-11/07/2008, Budapest, Hungary, abstracts n. 334, pag. 331.

Gentile A. (2008)
"Spastic Paresis and Spastic Syndrome: a never ending story"
Proceedings 25th Jubilee World Buiatrics Congress, 6-11/07/2008, Budapest, Hungary, abstracts n. 365, pag. 331-332.

Gentile A., Rossi M., Droegemueller C. (2008)
"The so called Paunch Calf Syndrome in Romagnola calves"
Proceedings 25th Jubilee World Buiatrics Congress, 6-11/07/2008, Budapest, Hungary, abstracts n. 413, pag. 333.

Testoni S., Gentile A., Boni P. (2008)
"Congenital Pseudo-myotonia in Chianina cattle"
Proceedings 25th Jubilee World Buiatrics Congress, 6-11/07/2008, Budapest, Hungary, abstracts n. 415, pag. 333-334.

Leeb T., Rossi M., Gentile A., Testoni S., Jörg H., Glowatzki-Mullis M.L., Stranzinger G., Drögemüller C. (2008)"Homozygosity mapping of Arachnomelia in Brown cattle"
Conference of the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG 2008), 20-24/07/2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, poster 2143,

Drögemüller M., Testoni S., Rossi M., Gentile A., Leeb T., Drögemüller C. (2008)
"Identification of the causative mutation of congenital pseudo-myotonia in Chianina cattle"

Conference of the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG 2008), 20-24/07/2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, poster 2147,

Drogemuller C., Drögemüller M., Leeb T., Mascarello F., Testoni S., Rossi M., Gentile A., Damiani E., Sacchetto R. (2008)
"Identification of a missense mutation in the bovine ATP2A1 gene in congenital pseudomyotonia of Chianina cattle: An animal model of human Brody disease"
Genomics, 92:474-477.

Ciulli S., Galletti E., Battilana M., Scagliarini A., Gentile A., Morganti L., Prosperi S. (2008)
"Genetic typing of bovine virale diarrhoea virus: evidence of an increasing number of variants in Italy"

New Microbiol., 31:263-271.

Testoni S., Agerholm J.S., Gentile A. (2009)
"Perosomus Elumbis in calves"
Folia Veterinaria, LIII (Supplementum I):32-33.

Testoni S., Sacchetto R., Drögemüller C., Boni P., Gentile A. (2009)
"Congenital Pseudo-myotonia in Chianina cattle"
XVII International Congress for Mediterranean Helath and Production of Ruminants (FeMeSPRum), 27-30/05/2009, Perugia, Abstracts, pag. 62-63.

Grandis A., Villotti S., Nenzi A., Gentile A., Lucchi M.L. (2009)
"Embryological development of the spiral loop of the bovine ascending colon"
VII Congresso nazionale Associazione Italiana Morfologi Veterinari, 4-6/06/2009, Perugia, Abstracts, pag. 53

Testoni S., Militerno G., Rossi M., Gentile A. (2009)
"Congenital facial deformities, ascites and hepatic fibrosis in Romagnola calves"

Vet. Rec., 164:693-694.

Drogemuller C., Rossi M., Gentile A., Testoni S., Jörg H., Stranzinger G., Drögemüller M., Glowatzki-Mullis M-L., Leeb T. (2009)
"Arachnomelia in Brown Swiss cattle maps to chromosome 5"

Mamm. Genome, 20:53-59.

Sacchetto R., Testoni S., Gentile A., Damiani E., Zanotti G., Rossi M., Liguori R., Drögemüller C., Mascarello F. (2009)
"A defective SERCA1 protein is responsible for congenital Pseudo-Myotonia in Chianina cattle"

Amer. J. Pathol., 174: 565 - 573.

Testoni S., Militerno G., Bassi P., Rossi M., Gentile A.(2009)
"Il c.d. "Vitello pancione": aspetti clinico-morfologici"
Buiatria - Journal of the Italian Association for Buiatrics, 4(3):25-32.

Militerno G., Bassi P., Testoni S., Gentile A.(2009)
"Aspetti istopatologici ed immunoistochimici della fibrosi epatica del c.d. "Vitello pancione""
Buiatria - Journal of the Italian Association for Buiatrics, 4(4):63-72.

Gentile A., Rosignoli C., Pravettoni D., Testoni S., Bettini G., Belloli A. (2009)
"Pancytopenia and haemorrhagic diathesis in calves: italian experience"
Proceedings of a Satellite Symposium on Haemorrhagic Diathesis in Calves, 2/12/2009, Marseille, page 15, in the occasion of the European Buiatrics Forum, 1-3/12/2009, Marseille.